



来源: 作者: 发布时间:2020-01-13 21:35 点击:



1. When I arrived at the hospital, he       in the emergency room.

A. was being treated                                          B. was treated

C. had been treating                                           D. had been being treated

2. They have just bought a new villa       sitting room, you can see a huge garden.

A. from the                                                       B. whose

C. from whose                                                  D. with a

3. After he regained consciousness, he seemed       about the car crash.

A. to forget completely                                      B. to have completely forgotten

C. forgetting completely                                     D. having completely forgotten

4. The father thought it worthwhile to invest in their daughter’s education      the mother considered it a waste of money.

A. however                                                       B. yet

C. if                                                                 D. while

5. I don’t think complaining can solve the problem,        ?

A. can it                                                           B. can’t it

C. do I                                                             D. don’t I

6.       any foreign language and having no special skills, he finds it hard to get a job in this very competitive world.

A. Knowing not                                                 B. Knowing no

C. Not knowing                                                D. Having known no

7. Up to now, he has taken part in five English contests, in       he was the winner.

A. every one                                                     B. each one

C. every of which                                             D. each of which


8. At no time      of giving up and accepting the unfair treatment.

A. did she ever think                                          B. she ever thought

C. did she think ever                                          D. she thought ever

9. You should discuss your idea with your classmates because just         it to someone else helps you sort it out for yourself.

A. have to explain                                              B. having to explain

C. have explained                                              D. having explained

10. It’s hard to notice whether a painting has been turned upside down _______it is an abstract modern painting.

A. when                                                           B. though

C. unless                                                          D. for

11. Swimmers are required__________ or make loud noises when they are in the swimming pool.

A. to not dive                                                    B. to dive

C. not to dive                                                    D. not diving

12. Mother is cooking something in the kitchen. From that familiar smell, I know it ___________be roast beef.

A. might                                                           B. can

C. could                                                           D. must

13. You can't go to Australia this afternoon        you don't mind a stopover in Singapore.

A. if                                                                 B. unless

C. because                                                        D. until

14. _______ to land on the island several times, the pilot sent a radio message to the headquarters to ask for help.

A. Having failed                                                 B. Failing

C. Had failed                                                     D. Failed

15. Nothing satisfies his curiosity _______ reading a detective story by that famous writer.

A. much more                                                   B. as much as

C. more than                                                     D. most than

16. That his aunt Ada could ever have been considered pretty seemed _________ belief.

A. off                                                               B. beyond

C. out of                                                          D. without

17. The name began with a B, though he couldn’t ___________ exactly what the name was.

A. make of                                                       B. make sense

C. make up                                                       D. make out

18. He was _______________ of a veiled curiosity in the taxi driver’s eyes.

A. conscientious                                                B. conspicuous

C. conscious                                                     D. capable

19. When marriages _________, we have to put the interests of the children first.

A. break down                                                  B. break up

C. break off                                                      D. break out

20. They are hoping this next round of talks will ________ a settlement of the pay dispute.

A. bring forth                                                    B. bring about

C. bring up                                                       D. bring out

21. The car wouldn’t start, so we _____________ having to walk to the concert hall.

A. resulted in                                                    B. finished with

C. ended with                                                   D. ended up

22. The woman decided to get her lawyer to ______________ a new will for her.

A. draw                                                            B. draw on

C. draw up                                                       D. draw out

23. Something must be done to prevent some students from dropping out of schools simply _____________ lack of money.

A. because                                                        B. because of

C. as                                                                D. as of

24. No matter how experienced you are, you are         to occasionally come across problems that you’ve never anticipated.

A. about                                                           B. certainly

C. possibly                                                       D. bound

25. He died of pneumonia in prison six months after he began to ___________ his sentence.

A. serve                                                           B. act

C. make                                                           D. do

26. The members of the family were disturbed ____________ relieved by the news you brought them.

A. less than                                                       B. other than

C. rather than                                                    D. more than

27. She didn’t really want to train for the stage or to take up the profession seriously. She just wanted to show she could be            .

A. on herself                                                     B. like herself

C. act herself                                                   D. on her own

28. Fred doesn’t like white coffee, nor does he like to put cream on his strawberries, because he prefers them______________.

A. normal                                                         B. ordinary

C. plain                                                            D. simple

29. The blind musician ran the ________ of his fingers over the piano before he began to play.

A. points                                                          B. tips

C. ends                                                            D. edges

30. Our guess, that the managers would react _________ to our decision, turned out to be wrong.

A. utterly                                                          B. strongly

C. extremely                                                     D. actually


Passage 1

    The train passed through a station and then it began suddenly to slow down, presumably in obedience to a signal. For some minutes it crawled along, then stopped; presently it began to move forward again. Another up-train passed then, though with less power than the first one. The train gathered speed again. At that moment another train, also on a down-line, turned inwards towards them, for a moment with almost alarming effect. For a time the two trains ran parallel, now one gaining a little, now the other. Mrs. McGill looked from her window through the windows of the parallel carriages. Most of the blinds were down, but occasionally the occupants of the carriages were visible. The other train was not very full and there were many empty carriages.

    At the moment when the two trains gave the illusion of being stationary, a blind in one of the carriages flew up with a snap. Mrs. McGill looked into the lighted first-class carriage that was only a few feet away.

    Then she drew her breath in, watching. Standing with his back to the window and to her was a man. His hands were round the throat of a woman who faced him, and he was slowly strangling her. Her eyes were staring from their sockets and her face was purple. As Mrs. McGill watched, fascinated, the end came; the body went limp and fell in the man’s hands.

    At the same moment, Mrs. McGill’s train slowed down again and the other began to gain speed. It passed forward and a moment or two later it had vanished from sight. Almost automatically Mrs. McGill's hands went up to the communication cord and then paused. After all, what use would it be ringing the cord of the train in which she was traveling? The horror of what she had seen at such a close distance, and the unusual circumstances, made her feel numb. Some immediate action was necessarybut what?

The door of her compartment was drawn back and a ticket collector said, “Ticket, please.”

31. After Mrs. McGill's train passed through a station, it ____________.

A. gained speed suddenly                                   B. kept its usual speed

C. changed its speed                                          D. stopped immediately

32. Mrs. McGill seemed to be a (an)_____________person.

A. observant                                                     B. interesting

C. nosy                                                            D. nervous

33. What she saw in the parallel train made her feel___________.

A. excited                                                         B. anxious

C. worried                                                        D. horrified

34. She didn’t ring the communication cord immediately because___________.

A. she was very much afraid                              B. there was no point of doing so

C. she was too shocked to move                         D. the ticket collector came in

35. The best title for this story could be___________.

A. Mrs. McGill, a Traveler                                 B. Mrs. McGill, a Coward

C. Mrs. McGill, a Witness                                  D. Mrs. McGill, a Murderer


  • 甘汉*    护理学  
  • 马英*    人力资源管理  
  • 王茜*    视觉传达设计  
  • 幸会*    人力资源管理  
  • 李志*    市场营销  
  • 钱文*    商务英语  
  • 张轶*    学前教育  
  • 王丽*    会计学  
  • 温爱*    行政管理  
  • 郭志*    金融管理  




