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Complete each of the following 15 sentences with the most likely answer. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all)

1. It is strange that such a thing ________in your company.

A. happen                                                        B. happens

C. happened                                                     D. has happened

2. She considered________ important that everything should be finished by ten.

A. that                                                             B. what

C. it                                                                 D. which

3. I was surprised that no one ________them of the danger.

A. warns                                                          B. warned

C. has warned                                                   D. had warned

4. Alice is going to the photographers this afternoon ________.

A. to have taken her photograph                         B. to have her photograph taken

C. to have her photograph being taken                D. to have her photograph been taken

5. The professor, ________whether anyone would come to help him, had to prepare for the experiment by himself.

A. did not know                                                B. having not known

C. had not known                                              D. not knowing

6. It was not until she arrived at the airport ________she realized she had forgotten her passport.

A. and                                                             B. when

C. where                                                          D. that

7. The promise of finding long-term technological solution ________the problem of world food safety seems difficult to fulfill.

A. to                                                                B. for

C. of                                                                D. at

8. It is difficult to predict what his ________to the result will be.

A. opinion                                                        B. reaction

C. view                                                            D. impression

9. To telephone him, you will have to ________his number in your phone book.

A. look to                                                        B. look up

C. look through                                                D. look at

10. At the level of primary education, the most important task is to________ childrens interest in nature.

A. stimulate                                                      B. enlarge

C. strengthen                                                    D. expand

11. By the time the fire-engine arrived, the fire had been put ________by the inhabitants.

A. away                                                           B. off

C. down                                                           D. out

12. You are not allowed to make any changes to the book without the authors________.

A. order                                                           B. trust

C. permission                                                   D. authority

13. A good education should, among other things, ________you to think for yourself.

A. force                                                           B. make

C. tell                                                              D. train

14. Because agriculture is so important to a nations well-being, governments have always been ________with it.

A. compared                                                     B. concerned

C. connected                                                     D. correlated

15. The ________progress of science and technology in the 20th century has brought enormous benefits to humankind.

A. magnificent                                                  B. remarkable

C. grand                                                           D. brilliant


Fill in each of the 15 blanks in the passage with the most likely answer. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all)

There are currently three living species of elephants: the African Bush Elephant, the African Forest Elephant and the Asian Elephant or Indian Elephant. Other species such as the mammoths (猛犸象)   16   before the last ice age but are now   17   .

Elephants live in a structured social order.  18   females spend their entire lives in tight-knit family groups   19   mothers, daughters, sisters and aunts, males live mostly solitary lives. Elephants   20   live for 50 to 70 years. The elephants pregnant period is 22 months, the longest of   21   land animal. Newborn elephant calves weigh   22   260 pounds.

Elephants spend about 16 hours a day finding and eating food. Their diet consists   23   grasses, leaves, bamboo, twigs, bark, roots and small amounts of fruits, seeds and flowers. Interestingly, elephants only digest 40% of   24   they eat; an adult elephant can consume 300-600 lb of food a day.

Elephant skin is thick, grey and wrinkled. The wrinkles help elephants stay cool   25   water gets trapped inside the wrinkles and evaporates slowly. Their hearing is   26   and they can detect noise from miles away.

One of the most distinct   27   attributes of elephants is their tusks. Elephants use their tusks to dig for food, mark their   28   and perform other tasks. Elephants tusks are made of ivory. The   29   elephant ivory is one of the major reasons people hunt elephants and thus have significantly   30   the worlds elephant population. For this reason and many others, many people around the world are working hard to protect the species from further extinction.

16. A. remained            B. stayed                      C. existed                  D. appeared

17. A. rare                    B. extinct                     C. plentiful                D. common

18. A. When                 B. While                       C. As                         D. Since

19. A. made up of         B. tied to                      C. dependent on         D. filled with

20. A. naturally             B. largely                     C. typically                D. characteristically

21. A. any                    B. other                       C. the                        D. a

22. A. for example        B. on average               C. in fact                   D. by chance

23. A. with                   B. on                           C. in                         D. of

24. A. that                    B. those                       C. which                    D. what

25. A. because              B. although                  C. in case                   D. so that

26. A. weak                  B. lost                          C. normal                  D. keen

27. A. mental                B. physical                   C. biological              D. psychological

28. A. territory             B. land                         C. surroundings          D. area

29. A. supply of            B. call for                    C. cost of                   D. desire for

30. A. balanced             B. restricted                  C. destroyed               D. increased


Choose the closest paraphrased version after each of the following sentences or the italicized part. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 10 points in all)

31. Weve got to believe it, he said … We cant afford not to.

A. There is no reason not to believe it.

B. We have no other choice but to believe it.

C. We should pretend to believe it even if we dont.

D. The consequence of not believing it would be severe.

32. Unless one is wealthy there is no use in being a charming fellow.

A. Good looks is useless for a poor guy.

B. Nice appearance cannot make a person rich.

C. Rich men usually do not have nice personality.

D. Ones attractiveness does not come from material wealth.

33. No man [in, Carnegies family] would complain and give uphe would die first.

A. Even a dying family member would not complain and give up.

B. No one in the family dared to complain and give up for fear of death.

C. Every member of the family would rather die than complain and give up.

D. The family member who complained and gave up would be the first to die.

34. She had fancier ideas of [my] lifes possibilities.

A. She had impractical expectation of my future.

B. Her opinion about my life was proved wrong.

C. The goal she set for me was what I preferred.

D. She believed that I would be successful in life.

35. Time is treated [by Americans] as if it were something almost tangible.

A. Americans try various means to hold time tightly in their hands.

B. Americans are serious about time and they manage their time well.

C. To Americans, time is as valuable as money, which they can see and touch.

D. To Americans, time is like something solid, which they can seize and control.

36. Most hosts [of TV talk shows] are grateful just to get someone who will fill the room with sound.

A. Most hosts like those guests who come to the talk shows.

B. Its really difficult for most hosts to find some talkative guests.

C. Most hosts are more than happy as long as the guests keep talking.

D. Whatever the guests say about themselves, most hosts wouldnt mind.

37. It makes me very humble to think of a guy like Scotty.

A. I dont want to be reminded of how great Scotty is.

B. Scotty is even more important than Id like to admit.

C. The thought of Scotty doesnt make me comfortable.

D. I feel Im a nobody when I think of Scottys success.

38. The class discusses the possibility of terrorists using a homemade atomic bomb to push their extravagant political demands.

A. ... to promote their unique political ideas to a target government.

B. ... to force a government to accept their unreasonable political demands.

C. ... to persuade a government to agree with their terrorist political ideas.

D. ... to negotiate their extraordinary political demands with a government.

39. Nothing was too good for that child [Laura].

A. Laura deserved whatever her parents did for her.

B. Laura was never satisfied with whatever her parents did for her.

C. Laura was grateful to her parents for what her parents had done for her.

D. Laura was too greedy a child to appreciate what her parents had done for her.

40. For a second Rudolf thought his host [the lighthouse keeper] might be joking; but the serenity of the others expression reassured him.

A. ... but Rudolf found from the old mans expression that he was not serious.

B. ... but Rudolfs expression showed the old man that he was only joking.

C. ... but the old mans calm expression convinced Rudolf that he was not joking.

D. ... but Rudolf looked peaceful, so the old man was sure that he meant what he said.


Read the two passages and choose the most likely answer to each of the questions. And write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (2 points each, 20 points in all)

Passage 1

The hottest issue that has captured the attention of everyone across the globe is the issue of Global Warming. After examining different researches and observations very carefully, it has been concluded that the overall temperature of the Earth is rising. Solid scientific findings have turned that from a mere theory to a harsh reality. And the worst part of this is that the bad effects of rising temperatures on eco-systems have already started to appear.

In a global movement to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere many initiatives are being taken both at private and government level. Many developed nations in the w



  • 甘汉*    护理学  
  • 马英*    人力资源管理  
  • 王茜*    视觉传达设计  
  • 幸会*    人力资源管理  
  • 李志*    市场营销  
  • 钱文*    商务英语  
  • 张轶*    学前教育  
  • 王丽*    会计学  
  • 温爱*    行政管理  
  • 郭志*    金融管理  




