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  Ⅰ. 语法、词汇。用适当的词填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个正确答案,并填入答题纸相应位置。(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)

  Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. (25 points)

  1. I don't think ______ possible to master a foreign language without much hard work.

  A. this B. that

  C. its D. it

  2. Tuition in some western universities runs ______ twenty thousand dollars a year.

  A. so high as B. as high as

  C. so high to D. as high to

  3. The beauty of the Yellow Mountains is ______ I can describe in words.

  A. more than B. not any more than

  C. no more than D. more rather than

  4. Since Jack ______ take up the job, we might as well ask Richard to do it.

  A. shouldn't B. mustn't

  C. wouldn't D. needn't

  5. The streets are all wet. It ______ during the night.

  A. must rain B. must have rained

  C. must be raining D. must have been raining

  6. The tennis finals will be put off if it ______ tomorrow afternoon.

  A. rains B. will rain

  C. were to rain D. was to rain

  7. My house is full of dust because the old house just opposite ______.

  A. will be pulled down B. has to be pulled down

  C. has pulled down D. is being pulled down

  8. The audience stared open-mouthed as the acrobat walked on the steel wire ______ high above the ground.

  A. being fixed B. has fixed

  C. fixed D. having fixed

  9. The workers on the construction site downed tools, demanding that they ______ medical care and social security insurance.

  A. provide for B. provided with

  C. should provide with D. be provided with

  10. “The market isn't open tonight. ”

  “If I had known, I ______ to drive over here. ”

  A. wouldn't bother B. wouldn't have bothered

  C. didn't bother D. shouldn't have bothered

  11. Not only ______ well told, but the characters are vividly drawn.

  A. is the story B. has been the story

  C. the story is D. the story has been

  12. Anyone ______ has something interesting to concentrate on won't find life boring.

  A. whoever B. whomever

  C. who D. which

  13. “Do you want to see my driver's license or my passport?”

  “Oh, ______. ”

  A. each one is good B. each will be fine

  C. either does well D. either will do

  14. When the patient was rushed to hospital, his pulse and other vital ______ were weakening.

  A. symptoms B. signs

  C. evidences D. proofs

  15. Jane takes delight ______ reading novels and watching TV when she stays at home.

  A. in B. into

  C. from D. by

  16. I know you will try your best in the contest — you won't let me ______.

  A. in B. up

  C. down D. out

  17. The weather forecast says it is most ______ to rain tomorrow.

  A. possibly B. probably

  C. reasonably D. likely

  18. He felt guilty ______ a serious error in his Chinese translation of Hamlet.

  A. of B. about

  C. with D. against

  19. They promised to release the hostage in exchange ______ fifty thousand dollars.

  A. with B. of

  C. for D. between

  20. This fashion magazine is intended to ______ t o white-collar women in their 20s and 30s.

  A. fascinate B. attract

  C. draw D. appeal

  21. During the interview, I was so nervous that my mind went ______ and I didn't know how to answer the questions.

  A. vacant B. empty

  C. blank D. hollow

  22. One of the effective ways to enlarge your vocabulary is to ______ in reading English newspapers every day.

  A. persist B. insist

  C. assist D. consist

  23. The number of people going to the library on weekends is ______ the increase.

  A. in B. above

  C. beyond D. on

  24. It was very ______ of you to take care of my pet dog while I was away.

  A. considered B. considerate

  C. considering D. considerable

  25. ______ your absence; I won't listen.

  A. It has no use explaining B. It has no use to explain

  C. It is no use explaining D. It is no use to explain

  Ⅱ. 完形填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填入答题纸相应位置。(本大题15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

  Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer. (15 points)

  One of the best ways to encourage a child to develop learning skills is to offer him small rewards. This is the 26 held by most educationalists. They feel that 27 teachers and parents lay a burden of blame on students 28 never recognise success. As a result, students work in a climate of 29 and depression. If the situation were turned 30 and less emphasis were placed on 31, they would find themselves praised for their successes. In these circumstances students would look out 32 for a chance to shine and so get rewarded with praise. They would be much more positive and 33 about their studies. They would become more self-confident, and the 34 would be greatly improved performance.

  Too many parents are 35 to the impact of their behaviour 36 their children. The fact is that many children grow up 37 little belief in their own abilities. In some cases, this could lead to hostility to learning, while in 38, it could lead to extreme shyness. This could cause problems in forming healthy, open relationships. 39, they would prefer to isolate themselves with obsessive video games. As a result, many find 40 difficult to express their emotions verbally.

  26. A. method B. thought C. view D. way

  27. A. mostly B. too often C. so much D. quite a lot

  28. A. or B. though C. as D. but

  29. A. fear B. alarm C. joy D. happiness

  30. A. in B. on C. around D. back

  31. A. success B. achievement C. defeat D. failure

  32. A. eager B. eagerly C. uneasy D. uneasily

  33. A. enthusiastic B. enthusiastically C. indifferent D. indifferently

  34. A. effect B. result C. development D. solution

  35. A. aware B. conscious C. blind D. deaf

  36. A. about B. concerning C. in D. on

  37. A. have B. had C. having D. to have

  38. A. other B. others C. another D. the others

  39. A. Usually B. Finally C. Unfortunately D. Consequently

  40. A. it B. itself C. them D. themselves

  Ⅲ. 难句释义。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填入答题纸相应位置。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

  Choose the closest paraphrased version for each of the sentences or italicized parts. (10 points)

  41. One of the most important things I've learned is how much there is to learn, and how much I don't yet know.

  A. that in the vast sea of knowledge I'm just a little drop.

  B. that I know very little and there's much for me to learn.

  C. that I am ignorant, so I must learn what I do not know.

  D. that compared with what I don't know, my knowledge is limited.

  42. But nothing becomes an icon more than a tragic and early death — such as Martin Luther King Jr. , John F. Kennedy, and Princess Diana.

  A. Many icons were cut off in the promising stage of their careenr.

  B. An unnatural death turns an ordinary person into an icon.

  C. When a celebrity dies young in an accident, he becomes an icon overnight.

  D. The most important ingredient in the making of an icon is a tragic death at an early age.

  43. We [Americans] want every minute to count.

  A. We make sure every minute we spend benefits society.

  B. We plan every minute of our time carefully.

  C. We want to use every minute effectively.

  D. We value what time we have left.

  44. Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the profession of the unemployed.

  A. The poor should not fall in love the way the rich do.

  B. The rich can be romantic; the jobless should be practical.

  C. The rich can afford to love; the jobless must seek a living.

  D. The poor, without a job, should be wise enough not to fall in love.

  45. It would give me prestige in his eyes, or at least make me less suspect, foreigner though I was.

  A. as they respected foreigners.

  B. because they admired foreigners.

  C. even if they didn't like foreigners.

  D. even though they didn't trust foreigners.

  46. I'll have to lie again and say we came down with food poisoning, or something.

  A. food poisoning kept us in bed

  B. a serious disease affected our health.

  C. we suffered from an illness such as food poisoning.

  D. we suffered from food poisoning or something like that.

  47. You must not expect that they [your children] will enjoy your company.

  A. they find pleasure in following in your footsteps.

  B. they would wish to work in your business firm.

  C. they want to do the kind of things you like.

  D. they would like to be constantly with you.

  48. The wretched boy never set foot upon a football field without scoring a goal.

  A. Each time this boy played football, he was sure to get the ball into the goal.

  B. This unfortunate boy never played football, as he couldn't score a goal.

  C. This boy was unhappy because he didn't kick the ball into the goal.

  D. If this boy didn't score a goal he would feel wretched.

  49. Too many young men thought life was all play. Those young men would not go far in this world.

  A. They played all day.

  B. They believed life was like a play.

  C. They never strive to achieve a goal.

  D. They were only interested in amusement.

  50. Thirty years ago when I was a schoolboy, the ancient conservatism of man was still the normal inheritance of every child.

  A. Every child would grow up to accept old, conservative ideas.

  B. Every child would grow up to follow old-fashioned lifestyle.

  C. Every child would grow up to follow the conventional way of thinking.

  D. Every child would grow up to believe in wise men of ancient times.

  Ⅳ. 阅读理解。认真阅读下列两篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题,根据短文的内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填入答题纸相应位置。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

  Read the two passages and answer the questions. (10 points)

  Passage 1

  Keep your elbows off the table. Don't eat or drink noisily. Say “please.” Most of us have heard our parents say these phrases many times. Did our parents simply enjoy enforcing these rules, or do good manners actually have a purpose in life? As we grow, manners, or the socially correct way of acting, become more and more important. Good manners are necessary in business, social, and family situations.

  In the work place, good manners can make the difference between getting a job and staying unemployed. When calling to set up an interview, one should be polite and professional to the person answering the phone. Arriving at the interview on time and well dressed is another way to impress the boss. Wearing jeans or shorts is not appropriate. Several days after the interview it is polite to send a letter thanking the interviewer for his or her time. Having good manners like these will impress people in business situations, and can increase one's success.

  Manners are also important in social situations. When a friend calls with a party invitation, one should check the date and either accept or decline. Responding promptly to an invitation is an example of good social manners. When attending the party, one should not bring along people who weren't invited. A guest who shows up with five or six uninvited people will probably embarrass the host. When you leave the party it is polite to thank the host and ask if he needs any help cleaning up. Friends feel appreciated when they are treated this way.

  It is easy to forget about good manners with family members, but manners become very important when people live together. We can be considerate to relatives by remembering to relay phone messages. It can be upsetting when messages are forgotten or written down wrong. Another problem can result from borrowing things without asking or returning them. One should always ask permission to borrow something, like clothes or even toothpaste. Being polite and returning borrowed things quickly will keep family members happy. Another way to respect family members is to knock on the door before entering a room because everyone appreciates having privacy. This type of behavior will improve relationships and keep the house peaceful.

  Many people believe that having good manners is not important, or is an old-fashioned way of behaving. However, parents realize that manners are important and they teach their children how to be polite so they can achieve many things. Although sitting up straight and remembering to say “thank you” may seem like a lot of trouble, having good manners will keep employers, friends, and family members happy.

  51. Which of the following statements best summarises the second paragraph?

  A. Wearing suitable clothes to a job interview is important.

  B. To impress the interviewer, you must be punctual.

  C. Good manners may help you secure a job.

  D. Your success in business depends on good manners.

  52. Which of the following is considered bad manners when you are invited to a party?

  A. Telling the host whether you accept the invitation.

  B. Bringing with you people the host has not invited.

  C. Expressing how you enjoyed the party.

  D. Offering to help with the cleaning up.

  53. It is implied in the fourth paragraph that when people live together

  A. they should respect each other's privacy.

  B. they shouldn't keep borrowed things too long.

  C. they shouldn't borrow each other's toothpaste.

  D. they should write down phone messages for each other.

  54. The writer of the article believes that

  A. parents no longer insist that children should be polite.

  B. saying “thank you” is too much trouble.

  C. only old people say “thank you”.

  D. people benefit from being polite.

  55. The best title for this passage is

  A. What Good Manners Mean.

  B. How to Become a Courteous Person.

  C. The Importance of Good Manners.

  D. Courtesy in Society.

  Passage 2

  One hot summer day, a young couple and their four-year-old daughter Emily were on their way to the mountains for a few weeks' vacation. Suddenly, a truck in the oncoming lane collided head-on with the family's car. The three of them were seriously injured and immediately taken to the nearest hospital, where Emily was brought to the children's ward and her parents were taken to the intensive care unit. As could well be imagined, Emily was not only in great pain, but she was also very frightened because her parents were not nearby to give her comfort.

  Martha, the nurse who was assigned to Emily, was a single, middle-aged woman. She understood Emily's feelings of fear and insecurity and became very devoted to her. When Martha finished her shift, instead of going home, she would volunteer to stay with Emily at night. Emily grew very fond of her and depended on her for her every need. Martha brought her cookies, picture books and toys. She sang songs to her and told her countless stories.

  As soon as Emily could be moved, Martha took her to visit her parents in a wheelchair every day. After months of hospitalization, the family was let out. Before they left the hospital, the parents blessed Martha for her devoted and loving care and invited her to visit them. Emily would not let ho of Martha, and insisted that she come to live with them. Martha also did not want to be parted from her little Emily, but her life was in the children's ward of the hospital, and she could not think of leaving. There was a tearful parting as Emily and the loving nurse said good-bye to each other. For a few months the family kept up a close relationship with Martha through phone calls only, since they lived quite a distance away. When they moved abroad, however, they lost contact with each other.

  Over thirty years passed. One winter Martha, who was now in her seventies, became seriously ill and was hospitalized in a hospital near her home. A nurse noticed that Martha had very few visitors. She gave the elderly lady special care.

  One night when the nurse was sitting near her patient and they were chatting quietly, she confided in her as to what and prompted her to become a nurse. When she was four years old, she explained, she and her parents had been injured in an automobile accident; there had been a wonderful nurse who had brought her back to health with her loving, caring devotion. When she grew up, she determined that one day she, too, would become a nurse and help others — from the young to the old — just as that nurse had done for her.

  After she graduated from a nursing school overseas, she met a young man from America, and when they married, they moved to the States. A few months earlier hey had moved to this city, where her husband had been offered a very good job, and she was happy to get a position as a nurse in this hospital. As the nurse told her story, tears flowed from Martha's eyes, as she realized that this must be her little Emily, whom she had cared for after the accident.

  When the nurse finished her story, Martha said softly, “Emily, we are together again, but this time you are nursing me!” Emily stared at Martha, suddenly recognizing her. “Is it really you?” she cried out. “How many times I have thought about you and prayed that someday we would meet again!”

  When Martha recovered, Emily did not beg her to come and live with her family. Instead, she just packed up Martha's belongings and took her home with her. She has lived with Emily to this day, and Emily's husband and children have taken care of her like a most special grandmother.

  56. In the hospital, Martha gave little Emily special care because

  A. Emily was only four years old.

  B. Emily's parents were seriously injured.

  C. Martha w as a single woman who loved children.

  D. Martha knew how Emily felt, away from her parents.

  57. Why didn't Martha go and live with Emily's family?

  A. She preferred to live in the children’s ward.

  B. She loved Emily but she belonged to t he ward.

  C. She thought Emily might change her mind.

  D. She didn't want to move to a new place.

  58. Martha lost contact with Emily's family

  A. after Emily's family went to live in another country.

  B. when she retired and moved to another city.

  C. because Emily's family lived too far away to visit.

  D. as it was expensive to make long-distance phone calls.

  59. Martha and Emily met again thirty years later,

  A. Martha, the old nurse and Emily, the young nurse.

  B. Martha, the patient and Emily, the caring nurse.

  C. Emily, the grateful child and Martha, the loving adult.

  D. Emily, the mother and Martha, the childless old woman.

  60. Emily moved to the city where Martha lived

  A. to work in the hospital in which she had regained health.

  B. to find Martha so as to look after her in her old age.

  C. to return to the place where she had been brought up.

  D. to be with her husband who had obtained a good job there.

  Ⅴ. 词形转换。将括号里提供的词转换成适当的词形填入答题纸上相应的位置。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

  Complete each of the following sentences with a (compound) word derived from the one(s) given in brackets(10 points)

  61. He is employed in a company which ______ in paper products. (special)

  62. Flying alone for the first time ______ the little boy. (terror)

  63. I think your decision to quit the present job is ______ — I'm afraid you may not find a better one. (wise)

  64. The money will be spent on training first-time ______ to earn an honest living. (law break)

  65. Although art criticism and art psychology are two ______ disciplines, the are related to aesthetics(美学). (dependent)

  66. He is ______ in company, but you will never believe that he is somewhat sad when he is alone. (cheer)

  67. ______ is the best policy. (honest)

  68. Without a valid visa, no ______ will be allowed to enter the country. (tour)

  69. Don't blame the kid. He broke the glasses ______. (accidental)

  70. China, a ______ nation, is determined to combat all kinds of terrorism. (peace love)

  Ⅵ. 句子翻译。将下列句子译成英语,译文写在答题纸上相应的位置。(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分。)

  Translate the following sentences into English. (15 points)

  71. 我们认为商务谈判中考虑双方的利益至关重要。

  72. 警察经过彻底调查后得出结论,这起车祸是酒后驾车造成的。(result v. )

  73. 二十世纪被称为巨变的时代,而二十一世纪被称为信息时代。(refer)

  74. 娇生惯养的孩子长大后可能难于适应社会上的激烈竞争。

  75. 不管老年人还是年轻人,都需要有生活目标,这样他们才能勇敢地面对困难和灾难。

  Ⅶ. 作文。根据所学的一篇课文,写出150字的短文。(本大题要求写成短文形式,15分)

  Write a short composition of about 150 words based on one of the texts you have learnt. (15 points)

  TOPIC: Differences Between Young Russell and Doris

  Base your composition on the two texts “Selling the Post(Ⅰ)” and “Selling the Post (Ⅱ)”


  • 甘汉*    护理学  
  • 马英*    人力资源管理  
  • 王茜*    视觉传达设计  
  • 幸会*    人力资源管理  
  • 李志*    市场营销  
  • 钱文*    商务英语  
  • 张轶*    学前教育  
  • 王丽*    会计学  
  • 温爱*    行政管理  
  • 郭志*    金融管理  




